







Behind Nicole’s unsmiling visage actually lies a friendly, riotous demeanour. Although she’s drawn to black and menswear-inspired tailoring, Nicole says that comfort is always on the top of her mind when she dresses for work. “My job requires me to move around a lot,” she says. “But I am very blessed that there isn’t a dress code at work.” This makes getting ready in the morning easier, and Nicole says she can be out of the house in 15 minutes if necessary: “Miracles can happen when you’re in a rush.” As she works six days a week, she’s probably needed these little miracles. Her packed work schedule leaves little time for herself, but Nicole says that the power of group chats allows her to keep in touch with friends. “Usually, my friends and I chat in a group chat on a daily basis, so it’s very quick and easy to arrange or plan a meet up, or what we like to call, “re-group”,” she says. “It may sound crazy, but over time, things do get better and you learn how to manage better.” Whether it comes to work, or finding time with friends, Nicole has a philosophy she follows: “Decide that you want it more than you’re afraid of it.”

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